Practicing What I Preach: Blogging Before Starting Up

I’ve been interested in starting a sports related startup for a few years. I was never sure where to start. I’ve never had any great ideas or epiphany moments for a sports startup. Because of this, I never started a sports related company. This time is going to be different.

After some thought, I decided to take my own advice and start with a blog first. I have recommended startups blog on about their product and target market before starting to build their product. This was mostly to help validate their ideas. It was to make sure people in their target market agreed with them that their idea was a need. It is also a great way to test if you can find customers.

The main point of blogging for this new endeavor is that I have no clue what the new company will do. I know it will be sports related, but that’s where the certainty ends. Hopefully, I will be able to make relationships with my readers while blogging.  I want to figure out what they need that doesn’t exist and build that for them.

After recommending blogging first for quite some time, I am now ready to practice what I have preached. I will be back here from time to time to talk about my experience of searching for what my MVP will be.