Starting small to show forward progress I’m dipping my toes into podcasts. First, I’m writing an intro for a podcast about John D. Rockefeller’s youth in the style of Ira Glass. Not a full podcast, just the intro. I’m also not going to do the full podcast unless I really start to love the process.…
The Blog
John Looking For a Job – first draft of podcast script
Things You Should Know I’ve been working on a podcast intro for the last few days. I gave myself the ultimatum to create a podcast about the youth of John D. Rockefeller using Ira Glass’s formula from This American Life. I’ve been thinking and saying this over the last few days. Each time I hear…
Moving (Forward), Drawing, Book Buying, Gmail.js-ing, and Jazz-Quoting
Forward Progress Forward progress is important in business. Even the tiniest bit of forward progress can catapult you into further action. It has been weeks since I did any work on my cold email projects. Two days ago, I received a response to an email I sent a month ago. This response has me excited for the…
No Mentors, Learning Like Ghengis, and Airplane Inspiration
Do You Need a Mentor? Someone asked “Where do you find mentors online?” on Hacker News last week. Perhaps a better question is, do you need a mentor? A lot of times you will find that you already know the answers to your questions. You just want reassurance. When John D. Rockefeller bought out the…
Lunch-e-ons, Being Sick, Memory Palaces, and Deconstruction
Luncheons My wife liked something I said on twitter! Well, it was actually a retweet. “Never make fun of people for mispronouncing a word. It means they learned it by reading.” — Morgan Housel (@morganhousel) January 11, 2017 Why am I mentioning this? For one, I didn’t know my wife followed me closely on Twitter.…
Confidence, Extraction, Dead Subjects, and 99 Ways to Tell a Story
99 Ways to Tell a Story A new book arrived yesterday and it’s really interesting. It’s call 99 ways to tell a story by Matt Madden. The entire book is literally 99 different ways to tell a story about a man getting up from his work and walking to the refrigerator. That’s it. The entire book.…
Extracting, Practicing, Storytelling, and Johari-ing?
Day 4 – My discipline is getting better, but my titles are getting much, much worse! Practicing Extraction Jay Acunzo uses the term extraction to mean taking a formula used by a storyteller and attempt to tell your own stories using that formula. I plan on practicing that this weekend. I don’t know if this will…
Sleeping, Early Waking, Striping, and Reading
Another adventure into what’s going on in my head and what I’m doing. It’s day 3 of the Daily Digest. I’m not sure when I’ll stop numbering these. SLEEP!!! Yesterday I talked about how I wasn’t getting enough sleep. Last night, I decided to put on my headphones and listen to two sessions of Headspace…
Writing, Drawing, Sleeping, JSONing, and Quoting
This is my second Daily Digest. I want to capture my thoughts, feelings, ideas, progress, and readings each day. Learning to draw One goal I left out of my focus areas for 2017 post was trying to get better at drawing. I took a class on Adobe Illustrator in the first half of 2016. Derek Casio…
The Daily Digest
I want to share more of my work and my thoughts with the world. My goal is to share something everyday. Some days it will be longer. Some days it will be shorter. I first read about this idea 2 days ago in Austin Kleon‘s Show Your Work. And earlier today I learned that Jay…